Looking for specialist Shared Equity support?

Why choose Countrywide Shared Equity.

Countrywide’s Shared Equity and New Homes team understand the whole New Supply Shared Equity (NSSE) scheme and can handle the whole process for you, from the thorough application phase to sales completion.

Our extensive branch network in Scotland means we can provide valuation, surveying and mortgage support teams using our Slater Hogg and Countrywide North branches across the country.

Our Success

solid house

Shared Equity unit sales since 2022.

Outline Handshake

Housing Associations we are successfully working with

Solid range

Range of unit sizes we currently sell from small S106 to large regen sites.

Shared Equity services under one roof

Our specialist team will handle the application process from start to finish.

1. Advertise your development through our allocated branch network.

We have many Slater Hogg and Countrywide North branches across Scotland in prime locations.

2. Take all enquiries directly ourselves, whilst providing an early indication of the qualification procedure.

Our team are fully experienced and trained to handle any NSSE enquiries efficiently.

3. Complete pro forma with all necessary details and send to the New Homes team.

We have dedicated new homes available to handle this process efficiently.

4. Our New Homes team will explain the process to the buyer and refer to our in-house mortgage advisor.

Our dedicated mortgage advisors are experienced with the process of buying a Shared Equity property.

5. Our New Homes team and mortgage advisors work together to complete the full application process.

6. The full case is packaged up with all information required and thoroughly checked before submission is made to the Housing Association.

7. Sales progression is monitored by us to help you achieve an early exchange.

8. We will carry out the new homes demonstration appointment on your behalf.

9. The key handover and snagging process is completed by our New Homes team.

Do you need help to sell your Shared Equity homes?

We are Scotland’s leading New Homes and Shared Equity team offering a complete service for developers – from a single bespoke home to vast multiple unit schemes.

Solid close Solid Warning Solid check
Solid close Solid Warning Solid check
Solid close Solid Warning Solid check
Solid close Solid Warning Solid check
Solid close Solid Warning Solid check

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