A tenant sat on the sofa reading a book

Tenant Insurance

Exclusive to Countrywide, our Tenant Insurance via AXA Insurance UK plc, provides extensive cover with options to suit your needs

Tenant contents insurance provides blanket cover up to £50,000 against loss or damage as a result of storm, escape of water, flood, fire or theft.

See below for further details of our policy features and options available.

Policy features

Tenant contents cover

  • Cover for valuables in the home – up to £10,000.
  • Replacement of locks and keys – up to £500
  • Damage to contents in the garden - up to £1,000.
  • Tenant Liability – up to £4,000 per claim for damage to the landlord’s property and for which the tenant is liable.


  • Accidental damage to contents:  cover for accidental loss or damage to all your household contents whilst in the home.
  • Personal possessions cover: protects your personal possessions outside of the home, anywhere in the world, at any time.
  • Pedal cycles: cover for all your pedal cycles up to £4,000 and up to £2,000 for any one bike.
  • Legal expenses: assistance with legal costs in the event of unforeseen legal proceedings.

Download our Tenant Insurance information booklet (PDF)

Terms and conditions, exclusions, limitations and eligibility criteria apply. These are contained within the policy booklet, a copy of which is available on request.

This product is only available through the Lettings Division on a non-advised basis.

Insurance policies are underwritten by AXA Insurance UK plc, with the exception of Legal Expenses, which is underwritten by AmTrust Specialty Limited, and Home Assistance, which is underwritten by Inter Partner Assistance SA, a wholly owned subsidiary of AXA Assistance SA and part of the worldwide AXA Group.

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We will respond to your request within 24 hours. If your enquiry is made after 4pm, Monday-Friday, or at weekends, then you will be contacted on the next working day.

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Solid close Solid Warning Solid check

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Countrywide Residential Lettings Limited is a member of and covered by the ARLA Propertymark Client Money Protection Scheme. Countrywide Residential Lettings Limited is an agent and subsidiary of Countrywide Estate Agents, Registered in England Number 00789476, Registered Office: Greenwood House, 1st Floor, 91-99 New London Road, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 0PP. Countrywide Estate Agents is an appointed representative of Countrywide Principal Services Limited which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority FRN 301684. VAT number 500248105.

Get in touch

Our Countrywide Insurance Services team is available to help you choose the product that is right for you.

Please let us know if you are experiencing financial difficulties or struggling to keep up with your payments. Call us on 01908 961399 and speak to our dedicated customer support team who will make every effort to assist you.

Opening hours

Monday – Friday: 08:30 – 17:30